
This product is registered for sale in: AZ, CO, GA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MO, NE, NV, NM, NY, NC, OH, OK, TX, WI

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, OMRI-Listed Fertilgold® 3-2-4 is a balanced organic NPK product derived from amino acids, fish hydrolysate, and potassium sulfate (N 3.00%, P2O5 2.0%, and K2O 4.00%, with 22.00% organic matter). Fertilgold® 3-2-4 provides excellent foliar and soil nutrition. It can be foliar-applied according to label directions without risk of phytotoxicity. Fertilgold® 3-2-4 provides an excellent foundation for seed germination and plant flowering, as well as grain fill, fruit sizing, and preharvest uniformity. Benefits of Use:

  • Provides quick NPK crop response and can be applied just prior to actual crop need
  • Can be applied foliarly (according to label directions) without risk of phytotoxicity
  • Resists tie-up in the soil and remains available through the plant root system
  • Resists nitrogen leaching and volatilization
  • Aids in phosphorus uptake in cold, waterlogged, high-pH, or calcareous soils
  • Moves with irrigation water to aid in proper placement
  • Can be effectively tank-mixed with other organic crop inputs

Additional information

Weight N/A
Package Size

5 Gallon Container, (2) 2.5 Gallon Bottles, 275 Gallon Tote

  • Provides quick NPK crop response
  • Can be applied foliarly without risk of phytotoxicity
  • Resists tie-up in the soil
  • Resists nitrogen leaching and volatilization
  • Can be effectively tank-mixed with other crop inputs
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