
This product is registered for sale in: AZ, CO, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KY, MN, MO, NE, NV, NM, NY, NC, OH, OR, TX, WA

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Carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, OMRI-Listed and CDFA (California Organic) Registered Fertilgold® Ca is an organic nitrogen-free calcium nutrient. Calcium is a required nutrient for cellular strength and growth, plant vigor, and fruit development. Fertilgold® Ca provides calcium without the nitrogen associated with other calcium products, allowing plants to benefit from calcium nutrition for fruiting without the nitrogen stimulus for vegetative growth. With Micro Carbon Technology® as the delivery mechanism, Fertilgold® Ca moves freely up and down the plant vascular system.

Benefits of Use:

  • Effectively treats calcium deficiency symptoms
  • Provides quick crop response and can be applied just prior to actual crop need
  • Can be applied foliarly (according to label directions) without risk of phytotoxicity
  • Can be effectively tank-mixed with other organic crop inputs
  • Reduces susceptibility to environmental stresses
  • Promotes early root growth
  • Increases stalk strength and reduces lodging in grain crops
  • Increases shelf life and reduces shipping and storage disorders in fruits and vegetables
  • Promotes maturity and improves fiber quality in cotton
  • Enhances nodulation in legumes
  • Promotes maturity and viability in seed crops

Additional information

Weight N/A
Package Size

5 Gallon Container, (2) 2.5 Gallon Bottles, 275 Gallon Tote

  • Nitrogen-free calcium nutrient product for foliar application
  • Effectively treats calcium deficiency symptoms
  • Provides quick crop response
  • Can be applied foliarly without risk of phytotoxicity
  • Can be effectively tank-mixed with other crop inputs
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