by Nick Cardona | Dec 1, 2020 | Blight, Carbon Sink, Crop Life Cycle, crop rotation, Dry-Land Farming, English, Fertigation, Foliar Fertilization, Fungal Diseases, Fungicides, Granular Fertilizer, Harvest, humic acids, humus, micro carbon technology, Microbial Activity, Nematodes, nitrogen, Phosphorus, Planting, Podcasts, Post-Harvest, potassium, Pre-Plant, Premium Potato Crops, Seed Piece, Seed Treatment, Soil Analysis, Soil Fertility, Soil fumigation replacement, Soil Health, soil preparation, Tissue Analysis, Tubers, Vine Kill, Yield Increases, Yield Potential
Today on Episode 10 we’re talking about Growing Premium Potatoes with Huma Gro® Products. Our guests include Mr. Lyndon Smith, President and CEO of Bio Huma Netics, Inc.—the maker of Huma Gro®, Fertilgold® Organics, Mesa Verde Humates, and several other product...
by Nick Cardona | Sep 2, 2020 | Blight, Brix, Carbon Sink, compost, Corn Kernels, cover crops, Crop Life Cycle, Crop Removal Values, crop rotation, Dent, Dry-Land Farming, English, Fertigation, Fertilizer Ratios, fulvic acids, Fungal Disease, Fungal Diseases, Fungicides, Grain Corn, Grain Fill, Harvest, High Density Planting, humic acids, humus, Insects, Manures, micro carbon technology, Microbial Activity, Micronutrients, Mold, Nematodes, nitrogen, Nitrogen Blocker, Phosphorus, Planting, Podcasts, Pollination, Post-Harvest, potassium, Pre-Plant, Premium Corn Crops, Protein Levels, R-3 R-4 R-5, Silage Corn, Silking, Smut, Soft Dough, Soil Analysis, Soil Fertility, Soil fumigation replacement, Soil Health, soil preparation, Sweet Corn, Tank Mix, Tasseling, Tissue Analysis, V-4 V-12, Yield Increases, Yield Potential Foliar Fertilization
Today on Episode 9 we’re talking about Growing Premium Corn with Huma Gro® Products. Our guests include Mr. Lyndon Smith, President and CEO of Bio Huma Netics, Inc.—the maker of Huma Gro®, Fertilgold® Organics, Mesa Verde Humates, and several other product lines—and...